Palestinian night in Holland Gibran's music trio

A free Palestine is still a living issue that beats in the hearts of its children and the consciences of Arabs, Muslims and the honorable free people in the world
Even after 75 years of its loss in the Palestinian Nakba of 1948
And then Al-Quds Al-Sharif in the 1967 setback
Music is an effective weapon for the struggle for the freedom and independence of a free Arab Palestine
This noble message has reached hearts and ears
From the Gibran trio playing the oriental lute on an Iranian percussion drum and a European touch on the cello
In a grand ceremony held in one of the theaters of Amsterdam Meervaart
It was attended by the Ambassador of Palestine to the Netherlands, Mrs. Rawan Salim
 With the Tunisian ambassador too
In the company of a group of artists, media professionals and intellectuals interested in Arab art and culture in Europe and the West
The Gibran family is a Palestinian Arab from the city of Nazareth, the "cradle of Christ" on the West Bank of the Jordan River
It was famous for the manufacture and trade of the original oriental oud
The three brothers are Samir the eldest, the middle one is Wissam the Oud Maker, and the youngest is Adnan Jubran

The three brothers have taken up residence in the French capital, Paris
And from there they move and roam the world. The Gibran trio accompanied the late poet Mahmoud Darwish for thirteen years.
In more than 30 shows in most countries of the world,
And they had gained through it popularity and fame that transcended the ocean to the world

The trio performed several concerts inside Palestine, and many European and Arab cities, whether on the individual or collective level,
The most important of these were the concerts that were held with the participation of the Arab poet Mahmoud Darwish, where the band accompanied him in his last decade. And at the opening ceremony of Jerusalem, the capital of Arab culture in 2009 and others

The Gibran trio is an exception, not only because the band is made up of three brothers, but because they are the first group in the history of Arabic music to include three oud players.
The oud was, until recently, played individually.
The brothers officially belong to Israeli Arabs, but consider themselves Palestinians. Or, more correctly, Palestinians and musicians because they cannot be just musicians
Even when they don't like to talk about politics and eventually find themselves doing so through their concerts or press interviews.
"Asfar" is the name of the Gibran trio's album, in addition to the Arabic meaning of the word "asfar", the same word in English "as far" also means "far". And travel in the life of the trio Gibran is present through their multiple trips to perform artistic concerts

The ceremony began with patriotic poems by the late Mahmoud Darwish, the icon of the Palestinian struggle
Then trio joubran presented various enthusiastic songs in which they presented their ingenuity in playing the oud instrument with wonderful words from Samir Jubran that touched the hearts of the attendees and ignited their Palestinian national enthusiasm

The end of the ceremony was with the song "Ahwak" by the late legend Abdel Halim Hafez, the voice of the Egyptian revolution
With whom we learned virgin love and patriotism in his immortal revolutionary songs
The audience interacted with the song by chanting its beautiful melodies and words while lighting the lights of their smartphones in a demonstration of love for peace and freedom for the free and proud Arab Palestine.
Written by Mustafa Kamal Al-Amir


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