Brussels: Opposition to plans to impose new European taxes...and the extreme right declares: The European Union has gone off track
- Europe and Arabs
- Wednesday , 3 January 2024 16:1 PM GMT
Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
Belgian Prime Minister Alexandre Decroux, whose country has officially begun its rotating presidency of the European Union, wants to impose more taxes in the European Union. In response to this, the extreme right-wing party in Belgium announced its opposition to any plans in this regard and said it explicitly: “No to any new taxes.” This came in a statement issued today, Wednesday, by the right-wing party.
"Prime Minister Alexander De Croo believes the EU should be able to impose more taxes itself. As for Vlaams Belang, this is not open for discussion," says MEP Tom Vandendreich (Vlaams Belang). Completely on track." "We never signed up for this. De Croo wants to buy its international runway with new EU taxes.
During an interview with Politico, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo looked forward to Belgium's presidency of the European Union. In it, he said that the European Union needs more direct EU taxes. According to him, Europeans are increasingly looking to the EU to find strategic solutions to global challenges. The EU currently has its own resources, but is mainly funded by contributions from the 27 member states and tariffs on non-EU imports, which flow into the larger EU pot. However, De Croo wants more European powers and therefore calls for more direct European taxes, which would increase the EU's autonomy relative to member states.
'Not more EU taxes'
“This is the EU completely off track, and De Croo goes even further with his proposal,” says Vandendreich. “The European Union was once a positive economic partnership between sovereign member states. Eurosceptics like Verhofstadt want to turn this country into an EU federal superstate capable of making decisions independently of the member states and above the heads of our citizens, with its own taxes.” And its own army. We never signed up for this. More taxes in the EU? Read my lips. No new taxes!
According to Vlaams Belang, De Croo's proposal must be viewed through his international ambitions. “Having already promised billions of dollars in additional contributions to the EU for Belgium in this legislature, De Croo simply wants to buy his chances of an international runway with new EU taxes,” says Vandendreich. “However, we cannot let him escape. Taxpayers should not have to pay the price for De Croo’s failed premiership and his pension plans.
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