Brussels: The ministerial meeting of the euro zone countries discusses macroeconomic expectations, competitiveness and the banking union

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
The meetings of the European Financial and Economic Affairs Council will begin Monday afternoon in Brussels, which will last for two days. The first day will be devoted to discussion of files related to the euro area, and the discussion will expand on the second day to include the ministers of the remaining member states of the Union. The discussions will be addressed on Monday.
Macroeconomic and budgetary status and developments, including briefings from international meetings
The Eurogroup President and institutions will provide their assessment of the latest macroeconomic developments and outlook, including a briefing on recent international meetings. The Commission is also expected to share its views on recent budget developments in the euro area.
    Policy priorities of the new government in Portugal
The Portuguese Minister of Finance will be invited to present the economic and fiscal policy priorities of the new Portuguese government.
Report on the Banks Union
The ministers will hear the semi-annual reports of the heads of the unified supervisory mechanism and the unified decision council. They will discuss the current situation and future challenges for the euro area banking system, as well as what needs to be done to enhance its resilience.
Eurozone competitiveness: closing the innovation and productivity gap
Based on the Commission's analysis, ministers are expected to discuss the gaps in innovation, R&D spending and human capital that Europe faces compared to its main global competitors, as well as policy responses from a macro-structural and macro-financial perspective going forward. .
Michel Schäfer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the European Innovation Council, will give his perspective on this topic.
Capital Markets Union
Ministers will meet over dinner to follow up on the Eurogroup's March statement on the future of capital markets union and discuss ways to consolidate and track progress, including a high-level work program to ensure the issue is reviewed regularly.
They will welcome Christian Noyer to present his report on developing European capital markets. In addition, the Commission will exchange initial ideas on aspects of the Eurogroup Statement that require Commission initiatives, and the meeting will serve as the first opportunity for ministers to exchange national initiatives.


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