The Secretary-General of the United Nations before the Security Council: The humanitarian situation in Gaza is a “moral disgrace to us all”

New York - Gaza: Europe and the Arabs
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has warned that the humanitarian support system in Gaza is approaching “total collapse,” as Israeli military operations and fighting intensify and chaos spreads throughout the Strip, while the potential for regional repercussions increases every day as a result of the daily bombing exchanged across the border with Lebanon. .
This came in a speech by the Secretary-General delivered on his behalf by his chief of staff, Courtenay Rattray, before a meeting held by the Security Council today, Wednesday, on the situation in the Middle East, headed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Mr. Guterres emphasized that nothing justifies the “horrific terrorist acts” committed by Hamas and other armed groups in Israel on October 7, nor does it justify “collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”
He noted that nearly half a million people face catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity and infectious diseases are on the rise, amid “severe challenges and deadly risks” faced by UN humanitarian workers on the ground.
Mr. Rattray, on behalf of the Secretary-General, said that large-scale humanitarian access and delivery throughout Gaza was essential for the survival and well-being of civilians, and added: “It is long past time to provide a safe enabling environment for effective humanitarian operations in Gaza, in line with the law.” International Humanitarian.
Dangerous conditions in the West Bank
While all eyes are on Gaza, the Secretary-General said through his chief of staff that the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, faces “perilous conditions.” He pointed out that more than 550 Palestinians have been killed since October 7 - including 138 children - most of them at the hands of Israeli forces, while 22 Israelis were killed, including nine members of the Israeli security forces.
In addition, Israeli actions undermine the Palestinian Authority, cripple the Palestinian economy, lead to instability and significantly accelerate settlement expansion. Rattray said: "The recent developments stick a knife into the heart of any possibility of reaching a two-state solution. The geography of the occupied West Bank is steadily changing through Israeli administrative and legal steps."
One of these steps is the transfer of powers in the occupied West Bank to a civilian representative in the Israeli Civil Administration, which the Secretary-General described - in his speech - as “another step towards extending Israeli sovereignty over this occupied land.” “If these measures are left unaddressed, they threaten to cause irreparable damage,” he said.
Change course
The Secretary-General stressed the need to change course by immediately stopping all Israeli settlement activities and holding perpetrators of violence accountable. He said that Israeli settlements are a flagrant violation of international law and a major obstacle to peace. He stressed the need for Israel to guarantee the safety and security of the Palestinian population.
He pointed out that thanks to "the tireless efforts made by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States," negotiations are continuing to formulate an agreement to release the hostages and ceasefire, amid reports of some progress. The Secretary-General's Chief of Staff said as he read his speech before the Security Council: "The parties must reach such an agreement now. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is a moral disgrace to all of us."
Amid continuing reports of serious violations against Palestinians detained by Israel, Mr. Guterres reiterated the need to treat all detainees humanely, and to release those detained without legal reason. He stressed that this "terrible war" must end and governance in Gaza must be restored to "one legitimate Palestinian government."
He said: “Supporting the Palestinian Authority is crucial. Its institutions must be strengthened so that it is prepared to govern and lead recovery and reconstruction efforts in Gaza.”


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