United Nations: Lebanon and the region are on the verge of imminent danger, but a diplomatic solution is still possible

New York - Beirut: Europe and the Arabs
The United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, said that Lebanon and the entire region "are still on the brink of imminent danger," but she stressed that a diplomatic solution to get out of the crisis is still possible.
This came during a closed consultation session of the UN Security Council, during which Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert and the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, provided a briefing on the implementation of Resolution 1701 - a resolution adopted by the Council following the 2006 war between Lebanon and Israel.
The Special Coordinator refused to accept that all-out conflict is inevitable, noting that both Lebanon and Israel “declare that they do not seek war,” and expressing her hope that reaching an agreement on Gaza will lead to an immediate return to a cessation of hostilities across the Blue Line separating them.
The UN official expressed her fear that “any error in judgment by any party would lead to the outbreak of a broader conflict affecting the entire region,” and urged that every effort be made to keep the two parties away from the brink of further escalation, stressing that implementing Resolution 1701 “is the path toward sustainable security.” ".
Regarding the internal situation, Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert confirmed that the disintegration of the state in Lebanon and the decline in the capacity of its institutions “has become a tangible reality on the ground” in light of the continuing stagnation in the presidential vacuum issue. She expressed her regret that the Lebanese people “are forced to rely on financial transfers from workers abroad or work in several jobs to continue their lives,” stressing the necessity of reviving the process of economic and financial reforms.
The Special Coordinator also spoke to the Council about the enormous difficulties resulting from the long-term presence of a large number of refugees on Lebanese territory, stressing the importance of finding collective solutions, which in turn are “not limited to Lebanon only.” She pointed out that solutions are available despite the great challenges, “provided that the necessary political will is available in addition to the support of international and regional partners.”


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