Brussels: Europe and the Arabs The Council of Member States and the European Parliament reached an interim political agreement today on reviewing the European Market Infrastructure Regulations and Directives....
Rome - Paris: Agencies - Europe and the Arabs It was announced in Paris and Rome that loans from the European Investment Bank amounting to more than 24 billion...
Brussels: Europe and the Arabs The European Commission in Brussels welcomed the historic agreement reached by the European Council on the first-ever review of the ceilings of the Multiannual...
Brussels: Europe and the Arabs The European Council, which represents the member states of the Union, and the European Parliament today reached a provisional agreement on a directive that...
Gaza - New York: Europe and the Arabs The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) stressed that restoring the social and economic conditions that prevailed before the...
Brussels: Europe and the Arabs The European Union and the United States held the fifth meeting of the EU-US Technology and Trade Council (TTC) in Washington, DC. According to...
Brussels: Europe and the Arabs A European statement issued in Brussels on Sunday evening said that on the sidelines of the Italian-African summit, the European Commission and the African...
Brussels: Europe and the Arabs Dutchman Robert De Groot will start his duties as Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on February 1. Dutch diplomat De Groot succeeds...
Geneva: Europe and the Arabs An official at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) expressed the organization's concern that attacks on ships in the Red Sea...
Brussels: Europe and the Arabs Ursula Wanderlein, President of the European Commission, said this in her speech on Thursday on the occasion of the official launch of the Strategic...