European Union: Approval of future guidelines on economic, social and regional cohesion policy

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
The Council of the European Union today approved the conclusions outlining its position on key aspects of the future development of cohesion policy. The conclusions will serve as a basis for discussions in the coming years and for the Commission's work on the legislative framework for cohesion policy after 2027.
According to a European statement issued in Brussels, the conclusions stress that cohesion policy must remain a fundamental pillar of the European Union, and to this end, it must maintain its sole objective of strengthening the economic, social and regional cohesion of the European Union and reducing regional disparities.
Although the cohesion policy is a policy that applies to all regions of the European Union, more targeted and adaptable support for less developed regions must be ensured. Particular attention should be paid to the needs of rural areas, areas affected by industrial transformation, and areas with severe and persistent natural or demographic disadvantages, such as sparsely populated northern areas, as well as island, transboundary and mountainous areas. .
The Commission is called upon to systematically consider the needs of external regions and the impact of its legislative proposals on those regions. The Council also highlights the need to measure and evaluate the special needs of various regions and address the problem of regions that fall into the development trap.
Noting the crucial role of cohesion policy in addressing recent crises, the Council believes that cohesion policy should be able to adapt to new developments and unexpected events, while maintaining its transformative nature and long-term structural objectives.
The Commission is asked to develop options to help regions better manage various new challenges, including demographic trends, migration, the green and digital transition, and to continue directing investments towards growth-enhancing reforms.
The Council also notes the importance of co-management and the principle of partnership for the cohesion policy, as well as ensuring a place-based approach to its design and programming.
It encourages efforts to further streamline the administration of cohesion policy, while ensuring high standards for preventing and combating fraud and corruption.
The Commission is also requested to ensure greater integration between the Cohesion Policy and other relevant European policies and initiatives from its design stage, and to facilitate practical coordination between programs supporting inter-regional cooperation.


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