The International Monetary Fund report on reviewing economic developments in the euro area...during the meeting of European finance ministers in Brussels

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs Meetings of finance ministers in European countries will begin in Brussels tomorrow, Monday, which will begin with a meeting of ministers from euro zone countries and will expand on Tuesday with the addition of their counterparts in the rest of the European Union member states. According to what the institutions of the unified bloc announced, at the meeting of Eurogroup ministers (countries dealing with the single European currency), the International Monetary Fund will present the results of the temporary visit that its employees made earlier under Article Four to the eurozone. The IMF review is expected to conclude by June 2024. Ministers will also hear a report on an assessment of the latest macroeconomic developments and outlook. According to a European statement in Brussels, the Article IV review of the eurozone is a regular exercise through which the International Monetary Fund reviews economic developments, consults with policymakers in the eurozone, and provides advice on targeted policies. The ongoing discussions in the Eurogroup constitute a valuable opportunity to exchange views on current developments and emerging challenges. Eurozone recommendations 2024 Ministers will discuss draft recommendations on eurozone economic policy for 2024, before approving them at the ECOFIN Council meeting on 16 January. Based on the Commission's proposals, the Council takes up annual recommendations on economic policy for the euro area as a whole during the European semester. The recommendations are being discussed for the first time in the Eurogroup and are formally adopted by the Council after their endorsement by the European Council. Competitiveness of the euro area As part of the workstream on the competitiveness of the euro area and based on a memorandum prepared by the Commission, the Eurogroup will hold a second discussion and exchange views on the external competitiveness of the euro area, with a focus on changes in energy prices in the euro area. Its impact on the euro area economy and future political responses. The Ministers will welcome Christian Zinglersen, Director of the European Union Agency for Cooperation with Energy Regulators (ACER), and Jeromen Zettelmeier, Director of Brugel, and hear their views. Eurogroup work program I/2024 The Eurogroup President will present the Eurogroup work program covering the first half of this year. Ministers will be invited to submit and approve their views. Evaluation of the ratification of the Environmentally Sound Management Treaty The Eurogroup will assess the current situation with regard to the ratification of the Convention amending the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism. Council of Economic and Financial Affairs, January 16, 2024 The Belgian presidency will present its work program for the next six months. In the context of the European Semester 2024, the Council will seek to approve the conclusions on the Alert Mechanism Report 2024 and the Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2024. It will aim to approve the 2024 Recommendation on Eurozone Economic Policy. The ministers will discuss the economic and financial impact of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The Presidency will give a presentation on the status of legislative proposals in the field of financial services.


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