The United Nations launches the Climate Promise 2025 initiative to help confront climate challenges

New York: Europe and Arab Agencies
The United Nations launched an initiative entitled Climate Promise 2025, which is part of the pioneering Climate Promise initiative of the United Nations Development Programme, which is described as the largest offer in the world to support developing countries in promoting and implementing nationally determined contributions. These contributions are climate action plans to reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change. . According to what was stated in the United Nations news bulletin about events that took place yesterday, Tuesday
According to the United Nations Information Centre, the initiative was launched during an event organized by the United Nations Development Program at the United Nations headquarters in New York, in cooperation with many partners from across the United Nations system, governments, indigenous and local communities, the private sector, and youth.
The international event bore the title, Staying below 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2025, and aimed to highlight leadership and collective action to address the climate crisis as the tenth anniversary of the announcement of the Paris Agreement approaches at the United Nations Climate Conference in 2025. It also aimed to inspire and mobilize collective action, and focus on New ways to deal with the climate crisis, redoubling efforts on successful solutions, and sharing lessons learned from those working on the front lines.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said that the Climate Promise 2025 initiative recognizes an important truth in the climate battle, which is that “it is not all gloom and pessimism,” noting that many countries have the will to take more ambitious steps regarding climate action.
But the Secretary-General stressed that the world needs to mobilize efforts to ensure that this is possible, noting that the “Climate Promise” is “our contribution to this basic effort,” indicating that the initiative brings together the entire United Nations system with the aim of helping governments rise to the challenges, Seize the opportunity and develop new national climate plans in line with limiting the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
According to the Secretary-General, the Climate Promise initiative has worked with 128 countries to increase the quality and ambition of their climate plans. The Secretary-General described the "Climate Promise 2025" initiative as "bigger and bolder, with the participation of more partners, more tailored support, and a greater focus on linking sustainable development and climate action." If this initiative is properly implemented, the Secretary-General says, national climate plans will double as national investment plans that promote national development.
The UN Secretary-General stressed that this initiative could give a strong boost to sustainable development by connecting billions of people to clean energy, promoting health, creating clean jobs, and promoting equality. National climate plans (NDCs) constitute the critical means of developing, noting that the plans are “complex,” noting that developing countries have been constantly requesting support to make these plans as ambitious, inclusive and comprehensive as possible.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations urged countries to make the most of everything this initiative provides. He called on donors to provide the initiative with the funding it needs to achieve maximum impact.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations said that March was the hottest month ever, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service, and it was the tenth month in a row that recorded record temperatures, pointing out that the devastating effects of climate chaos are accumulating, and that many of the severe weather events that our world is witnessing, including storms. The record rain that swept the United Arab Emirates during this month.


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