United Nations: The number of hungry people in Sudan is equivalent to the population of Australia

Khartoum - New York: Europe and the Arabs
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said it remains deeply concerned about the deteriorating food situation in the country, with some 26 million people - equivalent to Australia's entire population - suffering from acute hunger.
Of these, 750,000 people are just one step away from famine, which is the fifth stage of the IPC. According to what was stated in the daily news bulletin of the United Nations
UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said at the daily press conference that people's suffering is exacerbated by high food prices, access challenges, and the impact of conflict. Last month, the price of local food increased by 16 percent compared to May, which is also 120 percent higher than in June of last year.
People's suffering is expected to get worse with the start of the rainy season. The Tina border crossing - which is used to transport goods from Chad to the Darfur region - is currently impassable due to heavy rains and floods, according to Mr. Stephane Dujarric, noting that many roads in the southern part of Sudan are also impassable.
He added: “People in Sudan are facing a worst-case scenario. The humanitarian community urgently needs to reach out through all possible means to avoid further deterioration of the situation. Additional funding is also essential, as to date, the Sudan Humanitarian Appeal is only 30 percent funded.” .


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