Pelosi says her visit to Taiwan shows America's "unwavering commitment" to the island

US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said upon her arrival in Taiwan on Tuesday that her controversial visit demonstrates Washington's strong commitment to the self-ruled island that China considers part of its territory. "The congressional delegation's visit to Taiwan underscores America's unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan's vibrant democracy," Pelosi said in a statement shortly after her plane arrived. Pelosi, the highest-ranking US elected official to visit Taiwan in 25 years, said her visit did not "in any way" contradict US policies that recognize "one China" and have not formally recognized Taiwan as an independent country. However, she said, "US solidarity with the 23 million people in Taiwan is more important today than ever, as the world faces a choice between authoritarianism and democracy." "The United States continues to oppose unilateral efforts to change the status quo," she added, referring to Beijing's pressure on Taiwan to rejoin the mainland. White House spokesman John Kirby dismissed Beijing's sharp criticism of the visit, saying it was not the first visit by a US lawmaker to Taiwan. In a statement, the State Department considered Pelosi's visit "extremely dangerous." "There is no violation of any sovereignty issues here," Kirby told CNN shortly after Pelosi arrived in Taipei. "There is no reason for it to explode into conflict. There is no change in our policies. It (the visit) agrees perfectly with that," he added. Kirby played down reports of Chinese fighter jets crossing the Taiwan Strait toward the island shortly before Pelosi's plane landed. "The United States will not be intimidated by threats," he said. "We have serious security commitments in the region... We take those commitments very seriously," he added, noting that Washington would ensure that Pelosi's visit was "safe."

French Press Agency AFP


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