People's Mojahedin Organization. The recent floods in Iran are due to government policies, not climate change

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs

According to a statement we received a copy of from the Iranian Resistance, the "People's Mujahideen," government officials are seeking to link the floods to climate change. However, the main cause of the floods lies in their destructive performance over the past 40 years. Floods still hit Iranian cities until now. More than 200 people were killed by the floods. It is worth noting that the economic losses caused by this flood are many times more than what was caused by the flood that hit the country at the beginning of the second quarter of 2019. We do not have any accurate statistics for the damage caused by the floods. All agricultural products of citizens in rural areas were destroyed; due to floods. Government officials seek to consider the floods a natural disaster. Many of them repeat the phrase “climate change” without knowing what it means. But with a little scrutiny, the inaction of government leaders, their looting of citizens, etc., can be traced back to this flood. Floods in Iran have been predictable for a long time, and climate change cannot cause floods. Floods have hit the country in recent days; Because many preventive measures are not taken. It is worth noting that failure to carry out dredging and respect for the privacy of rivers exacerbates the phenomenon of flood destruction. The recent flood that hit the cities of Fars Province, Imamzadeh Daoud, Firouzkoh, and other cities showed that if we do not obey the laws and constraints of nature, then nature, floods, and other natural disasters will force us to obey. Iranians paid a heavy fine for government leaders’ failure to observe these teachings during the 2019 flood. However, the government authorities did not take these teachings seriously, and continued to operate in the same manner as in the past until the floods hit the country in August 2022. The genocide of nature has continued unabated for the past 40 years. It was the illusion of self-sufficiency in agricultural products that led to the drying up of aquifers, the construction of non-standard dams out of scientific control, the failure to give water quotas to wetlands, and the destruction of forests and pastures; Among the actions taken by government officials during this period. Forests and grasslands are among the biggest natural obstacles to flood response. Implementing watershed management operations, directing floods to groundwater rather than accumulating it behind dams and re-evaporating it; One of the most important ways to avoid the occurrence of floods. For example, the indiscriminate construction of dams is due to the mullahs’ guard forces controlling Iran’s surface and underground water resources, and thus plundering the Iranians, by building various dams under the conclusion of huge contracts worth millions of dollars. It is also for this reason that they create the conditions for devastating floods. Ms. Maryam Rajavi said: “The extent of the Iranian people’s vulnerability to floods and other natural disasters in the twenty-first century is due to the destructive dimensions of the government that spends the Iranian people’s resources on repression, war propaganda, and nuclear and missile programs to maintain the velayat-e faqih regime.” She pointed out that "about two trillion dollars have been spent so far on a program to make nuclear bombs, missiles, and drones, and the financing of proxy groups in the Middle East, at the expense of destroying the lives of the Iranian people." Addressing floods and natural disasters requires the establishment of popular government. We should not expect reform of the country's affairs from a government whose foundation is based on the oppression of citizens and the plunder of their wealth. The failure to address the conditions of the flood-affected these days indicates that government officials have no desire to help the citizens, and their preoccupation is mostly in displaying and publicizing themselves. The only solution is to save the Iranians; In organizing nationwide protests, and solidarity of all groups to bring down this authority. Only in this case can Iranians hope for a bright future


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