With the participation of the European Commission..today the G20 Ministerial Conference on Women's Empowerment

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
The European Union institutions in Brussels announced that the European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Daly, will participate in the G20 Ministerial Conference on Women's Empowerment, which will be held in Gandhinagar, India, today, Wednesday.
A statement on the website of the European External Action Service stated that Commissioner Daly will represent the European Union in the ministerial meeting, whose theme this year will be "inclusive development led by women as the pinnacle of generational transformation." According to the site of the seventh day of Cairo
On August 2, the Commissioner will attend the opening session of the G20 Ministerial Conference on Women's Empowerment at the Mahatma Mandir Convention Center and will then deliver the EU Ministerial Statement at the Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics session.
In her statement, Commissioner Daley will say: “Fora such as the G20 play a key role in enabling a global discussion on the challenges and opportunities to protect and promote women's rights. Most importantly, they facilitate discussions around joint efforts to mainstream equality across many policy areas. At the European level, our work "During the past four years, we have created an institutional framework to ensure that a gender equality perspective is included in all stages of decision-making, from policy development to implementation. We are keen to share what we learned from this experience and to learn from what other countries have been successful in doing to promote women's empowerment."
In Daly's statement on STEM, she will say: “Gender stereotypes have many detrimental effects on our societies, which can inhibit the aspirations of both women and men. The outdated belief that certain professions – such as those in science – Technology, engineering, and mathematics are reserved for men, while other jobs, such as those related to care, are for women, which have no place in the 21st century.However, these gender-based stereotypes continue to distort career aspirations.That is why 80% of all jobs are occupied by men. The workforce is in the digital sector and we need to do more to encourage women to participate in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, including through specialized courses and training programs.”


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