The European Commission signs a partnership agreement with Türkiye regarding the Digital Europe programme

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
The European Commission has signed an Association Agreement for the Digital Europe Program with Türkiye. After the signatures, and after the completion of the relevant ratification processes, the Association Agreement will enter into force. Companies, public administrations and other eligible organizations in Turkey will be able to access the calls of the Digital Europe programme, a program with a total budget of €7.5 billion in the period 2021-2027. In particular, participants from Turkey will be able to participate in projects that spread digital technologies across the European Union in specific areas such as artificial intelligence and advanced digital skills. They will also be able to establish digital innovation centers in Türkiye.
Through this Association Agreement, the EU and Turkey will strengthen their strong ties in the field of digital technologies - with potential benefits arising from Turkey's capabilities and assets in areas covered by the Digital Europe programme, including artificial intelligence.
The Commission also hopes to see Turkey foster closer ties with the EU economy and society, and cooperate more in developing our technological capabilities and supporting digitalization, particularly of small and medium enterprises.
The Digital Europe funds will supplement the financing available to Turkey through other EU programmes, such as Horizon Europe. Specific objectives and thematic areas currently eligible for funding are detailed in the work programmes.


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