Brussels: Renewing the EU's independent trade measures on imports from Ukraine

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
Representatives of EU member states confirmed the temporary agreement reached yesterday between the Council Presidency and representatives of the European Parliament to renew the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian exports to the European Union until June 5, 2025.
A European statement issued in Brussels said, "This renewal confirms the European Union's steadfast political and economic support for Ukraine, after two years of unjustified and unjustified Russian military aggression."
At the same time, the EU decided to strengthen the protection of sensitive agricultural products by strengthening the safeguards already included in the independent trade measures currently in place, which include taking into account any negative impact on the market of one or several Member States, instead. And not only in the EU market as a whole (as is the case now). A new automatic guarantee will also be added for some sensitive products, such as poultry, eggs, sugar, oats, corn, groats, and honey.
Autonomous Trade Measures (ATMs) will allow Ukraine to continue generating its own income from trade flows with the EU, which is important for supporting its economy. Combined with the EU's extensive military, financial and humanitarian support, this will help Ukraine in its long-term recovery as well as its gradual integration into the EU internal market.


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