More than ten thousand Palestinian women were killed in Gaza...and the survivors were displaced, became widows and faced starvation.

New York - Gaza: Europe and the Arabs
UN Women said that more than ten thousand women were killed in Gaza, and that survivors of Israeli bombing and ground operations have been displaced, become widows and face starvation, making the war on Gaza also a war on women. According to what was stated in the daily news bulletin of the United Nations, which we received a copy From it this morning
In its latest publication in a series of alerts on gender issues in Gaza, the UN agency estimated that among the women killed in Gaza, six thousand mothers were orphaned because they killed 19,000 children.
In addition, more than a million Palestinian women and girls in Gaza cannot access food or safe drinking water after six months of war, with diseases on the rise amid inhumane living conditions.
UN Women's Gender Alerts series on Gaza provides a detailed analysis of the realities of life for women and girls in the Gaza Strip, documenting the appalling living conditions. Today’s publication – entitled “Scarcity and Fear” – focuses on the lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene services, which are almost non-existent for women and girls in Gaza.
UN Women said access to clean water is especially critical for breastfeeding and pregnant mothers, who have greater daily water needs. Water is also essential to enable women and girls to manage menstrual hygiene with dignity and safety.
The agency quoted an unnamed woman from Gaza as saying: “In Gaza, we cannot meet our simplest, most basic needs: eating well, drinking safe water, access to the toilet, sanitary pads, showering, changing our clothes.”
The agency's regional director for the Arab countries, Susan Mikhail, said during a press conference in Geneva, "The war in Gaza is undoubtedly a war on women, who are paying a heavy price for a war that is not of their making."
UN Women said that only peace can end the suffering. It joined the many international calls demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, and safe and unimpeded access for humanitarian aid. The agency said that it is working with Palestinian women's organizations and other partners to defend the rights and needs of women and girls, and to provide them with the urgently needed assistance.
While the agency has been able to reach nearly one hundred thousand women and their families with assistance, tens of thousands of additional relief items have remained at border crossings for weeks. She stressed the need to place women and girls at the center of the humanitarian response, as stipulated in the agreed conclusions of the recently convened Commission on the Status of Women.


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