Ending the tasks of the United Nations mission in Iraq by the end of next year... and Baghdad welcomes the decision

New York - Baghdad: Europe and the Arabs - Agencies
Iraqi government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi announced that the Iraqi government welcomed the UN Security Council’s decision to end the mandate and tasks of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq.
Al-Awadi said, "The Iraqi government expresses its welcome and appreciation for Security Council Resolution No. (2734), which was passed unanimously, ending the mandate and tasks of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq/UNAMI, according to a timetable that ends on December 31, 2025."
He added: “The end of the mission’s work in Iraq comes at the request of the Iraqi government, which was expressed in the letter of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani dated May 8, 2024, addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, and the UN Security Council in this regard.”
He pointed out, "At a time when we are increasing the international response to Iraq's request, we affirm that the UN Security Council's decision came as a result of the tangible progress that Iraq is witnessing at various levels, stability at the internal level, and the completion of the political construction process that began in 2003."
He continued, "We take this opportunity to emphasize the continuation of sustainable cooperation and partnership with the United Nations and its development programs operating in Iraq, and to express Iraq's appreciation for the efforts of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and for the workers in the UN mission and their appreciated services and sacrifices that they have made since the establishment of the mission in 2003."
The UN Security Council voted unanimously on a resolution extending the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) for a final period of 19 months - that is, until December 31, 2025 - “after which the mission will cease all work and operations assigned to it, except for the remaining activities.” Liquidation of the mission,” in line with an official request from the Iraqi government. According to what was stated in the United Nations daily news bulletin, a copy of which we received this morning
In Resolution 2732, the Council requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, to prepare, in consultation with the Government of Iraq, a plan for the transfer of tasks and liquidation to be completed by the end of the current year, including setting a date on which liquidation activities in Iraq will end.
He also requested the Secretary-General to rationalize the tasks assigned to the mission to provide advice and support to strengthen the preparations for the federal elections and in the Kurdistan region in order to ensure the holding of free and fair elections, facilitate progress towards finding a final solution to the outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait, and enhance development and humanitarian tasks, including the return of displaced persons. and improving the country's ability to provide basic civil and social services, among other things.
The Security Council called on the Government of Iraq to cooperate fully with the United Nations during the process of transferring the mission’s functions, its gradual reduction and its liquidation, and praised the efforts made by the government to resolve the internal issues in the country and make progress towards achieving the achievements specified in its program of work.


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