The European Union calls on Israel and Hamas to accept and implement the ceasefire plan and condemns the destruction and forced displacement of civilians on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
A statement was issued in Brussels by the European Union in support of the three-stage roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and the release of hostages. The statement, a copy of which we received last night, said: “The European Union offers its full support to the comprehensive roadmap presented by President Biden, which would lead to... A permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages and an increase in humanitarian aid to Gaza. The European Union appreciates the tireless efforts made by the United States, Egypt and Qatar in facilitating negotiations aimed at ending the war between Israel and Hamas, while ensuring Israel’s security, to which the European Union remains committed. In full, the statement issued by the European External Action Administration added.
Many civilian lives have been lost. A permanent ceasefire is urgently needed to ensure the protection of civilians, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages whose safety and well-being are of concern, and to increase the flow of much-needed humanitarian relief into Gaza in light of the worsening humanitarian crisis. . Peace and stability in the Middle East are in the interest of their people, of the region as a whole, and on the global level.
The European Union urges the parties to accept and implement the three-stage proposal, and is ready to contribute to reviving the political process to achieve a lasting and sustainable peace, based on the two-state solution, and to support a coordinated international effort to rebuild Gaza.
Another statement was issued by the official spokesman regarding the escalation of tensions on the border between Israel and Lebanon, which stated: “The European Union is increasingly concerned about the escalation of tensions across the Blue Line, and the increasing destruction and forced displacement of civilians on both sides of the Israeli-Lebanese border.”
In line with UN Security Council Resolution 1701, the European Union calls on all actors to exercise restraint, prevent further tensions, and participate in international diplomatic efforts, undertaken in particular by France and the United States.
No one can profit from a broader regional conflict. Calming the situation would contribute significantly to resolving the broader conflict in the Middle East.


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