Military leaders from 20 NATO partner countries continue introductory meetings about cooperation programs between the Alliance and partners.

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
Following the end of the first part, which began on the 5th of this month, Greece began the activities of the second part of the program organized by NATO, which continues until June 14, 2024, in the presence of 30 participants from 20 partner countries from all over the world.
The first part included a visit to NATO headquarters and then to SHAPE headquarters to participate in the induction program for NATO partner staff officers. Examines the structures and roles of both headquarters, and explores cooperation between NATO and partners.
Welcoming the partner representatives, Brigadier General Iray Ongoder, Deputy Director of NATO’s Cooperative Security Division, stressed the importance of strategic partnership in the current security environment, saying: “NATO’s latest Strategic Concept defines how the Alliance’s strategic environment will be affected by various trends, threats and challenges.” “Around the world, NATO has been a pillar of international peace and stability, and our partnerships are crucial in addressing the complex challenges of our time,” said Brigadier General Iray Ongoder By exchanging experiences, we can achieve our common goals more effectively.”
The first part of the induction program was held at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The timeline focused on key partnership policies and programmes, in addition to existing working tools and mechanisms. Participants discussed a wide range of topics relevant to partners, such as NATO cooperation with partners in the context of the Vilnius Summit and its outcomes, NATO-EU relations, aspects of the war against terrorism, disaster response, and other aspects of military cooperation between NATO and partners. cooperation.
Staff officers in partner nations were also briefed on developments in various partnership policies and programmes, including the Partnership Staff Posts Program (PSP) and the Individually Tailored Partnership Programs (ITPP). In addition, participants had the opportunity to discuss existing partnerships with their missions and delegations to NATO.
The second part of the programme, managed by the Military Cooperation Section of the SHAPE Partnership Directorate, will be held from 11 to 14 June in Mons, Belgium. Attendees will participate in more in-depth exchanges covering diverse aspects of military and defense cooperation between NATO and partners.
The overall objective of the joint program is to provide partner staff officers serving in partnership-relevant positions in NATO, national defense ministries or the General Staff/Defense with a detailed overview of NATO outreach programs and activities. It is a highlight of NATO's military cooperation with partners and reflects the Alliance's growing interest in expanding connectivity and strengthening existing partnerships as outlined in the 2022 Strategic Concept and in the recent report presented by the NATO Expert Group on the Southern Neighborhood.


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