The Secretary General of NATO visits the United States of America and Canada

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
A statement issued by NATO headquarters in Brussels said that from June 17 to 21, 2024, NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will visit the United States of America and Canada.
On 17 June, the Secretary-General will visit Washington, D.C., where he will meet with the President of the United States, Mr. Joseph Biden
Mr. Stoltenberg will also deliver a speech followed by a Q&A in the Wilson Center auditorium.
On June 18, the Secretary-General will meet with US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
He will also engage with US Senators, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and members of the Senate NATO Observers Group (SNOG).
On 19 June, the Secretary-General will travel to Ottawa, Canada. There he will meet with the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau.
He will also receive the Louis Saint Laurent Prize and will deliver a speech followed by a Q&A at the Sir John A. MacDonald Building.
On June 20, Mr. Stoltenberg will return to Washington, D.C., where he will meet with Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Jake Sullivan. He will also meet with Congressman Mike Turner and Congressman Gerry Connolly.


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