The Commission and the European Central Bank host a conference on financial integration

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
A statement by the European Commission in Brussels said on Monday that the Commission and the European Central Bank will hold their annual joint conference on European financial integration tomorrow, Tuesday, which will be held in Frankfurt this year.
Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial Stability, Services and Capital Markets Union, and Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the European Central Bank, will deliver keynote addresses at the event. The President of the European Investment Bank, Nadia Calviño, and other representatives of public authorities, industry and civil society will also join to discuss the prospects for further integration of financial markets.
 The panel discussions will focus on the possibility of unifying the EU securities market and building more common EU supervision, as part of the broader goal of building a capital markets union.
The conference also marks the launch of the Commission's annual European Financial Stability and Integration Review (EFSIR) and the European Central Bank's biennial report on financial integration and structure in the euro area. The EFSIR review addresses market developments and discusses financial stability and integration in the EU over the past year. It also analyzes financial stability risks due to the growth of the investment funds sector and explores EU countries' dependencies in EU financial services.


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