More than 45,000 people are victims of road accidents in Belgium, including more than 500 deaths

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
In 2023, 36,855 traffic accidents were counted, with a total of 45,243 victims, or just over 1.2 victims per accident. Of these victims, 41,481 (92%) sustained minor injuries, 3,261 (7%) suffered serious injuries, and 501 (1%) lost their lives within 30 days after the accident. This is evidenced by the latest figures on road accidents published by the Belgian statistics office, Statbel.
Compared to the previous year, the number of accidents and casualties decreased by -2% in 2023. This decline was most pronounced for deaths within 30 days (-7.2%) and serious injuries (-4.5%), after two consecutive years of increases. The number of minor infections decreased by -1.6%.
By region
In Brussels and Flanders, there was a decrease of 9.5% and 2.2%, respectively. Wallonia saw an increase in the number of accidents by 1.1%. At the provincial level, the largest decreases were recorded in East Flanders (-6.7%), Liège (-4.7%) and West Flanders (-4.3%), while the largest increase (+12.8%) occurred in Walloon-Brabant.


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