The high-level political forum discusses ways to accelerate sustainable development and eradicate poverty

New York: Europe and the Arabs
The United Nations has called for bold and transformative action to ensure the peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future that all people need and deserve. This was stated by two UN officials at the opening of the High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development yesterday, Monday, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, with the aim of accelerating progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals by 2030. According to what was stated in the daily news bulletin of the United Nations, a copy of which we received on Tuesday morning.
The forum lasts for two weeks and is held this year under the slogan: “Promoting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eliminating poverty in times of multiple crises by providing sustainable, flexible and innovative solutions.” The forum focuses on reviewing progress in vital areas such as combating poverty, hunger, climate change, and gender equality, in addition to highlighting the challenges facing achieving these goals.
The President of the Economic and Social Council, Ambassador Paula Narvaez, said that the political forum represents the culmination of the Council's annual work cycle. It provides an opportunity to identify key policy priorities that will shape our collective efforts to address long-term global challenges and chart a sustainable and resilient path towards the future, ensuring that no one is left behind.
As for the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed, she described the forum as a great opportunity to change the course of things in our world, which faces multiple and interconnected challenges, noting that the Sustainable Development Goals Summit held last year generated new momentum and a commitment to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. She explained that the forum The high-level politician “is our opportunity to continue this forward momentum and redouble efforts as we look to 2030.”
Future Summit: A rare opportunity for generations
The Deputy Secretary-General said that this political forum will be an important moment to think about how to move forward with this progress in the context of the future summit scheduled to be held in New York next September. She explained that the summit is a rare opportunity to repair eroding trust and show that international cooperation can move us forward.
This forum can also help define the bold and transformative actions that the Summit must achieve for current and future generations. It will also serve as an opportunity to highlight areas where the United Nations can better support countries on their path towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Poverty is the defining challenge of our time
Amina Mohammed said that poverty remains the defining challenge of our time. “Food insecurity has reached alarmingly high levels. Humanitarian crises and displacement are increasing, fueled by rising levels of conflict. Women and girls continue to face discrimination and deprivation. The impacts of climate change are becoming more severe, and actions and financing for mitigation, adaptation and reduction of loss and damage are not keeping pace.” ".
A setback for decades in Gaza and Sudan
The Deputy Secretary-General added that people and countries alike continue to be left behind, deprived of the support and representation they need and deserve at global decision-making tables. In this regard, Amina Mohammed called for us to take a moment to reflect and remember that the hopes of people in Sudan, Gaza and Ukraine to achieve the sustainable development goals have been set back for decades.
She pointed to what she described as a "deeply worrying fact", which is that less than a fifth of the Sustainable Development Goals are on track. She said this should not be acceptable to all of us. She stressed that this lag is reversible, “if we muster the commitment, ideas, solutions and investments that are driving our progress so far,” noting that this is what this forum is about – finding solutions and the political will to turn our words into actions that impact the lives of billions of people.
Multiple activities
As part of the Forum’s activities, the Secretary-General will hold a special event on “Transforming Education” on Thursday, in cooperation with the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Economic and Social Council. Next Monday, his deputy, Amina Mohammed, will contribute to holding a special event on accelerating the sustainable development goals, entitled “Paths of Progress,” in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Spain.
The event will examine the need for increased investment in SDG transformations and highlight examples of work at the country level, where government efforts are supported by UN country teams, leveraging the SDG Common Fund and high-impact SDG Summit initiatives.
What do you know about the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development?
The Forum is a follow-up to the Sustainable Development Goals Summit held in September 2023, which the then UN Secretary-General described as a “moment of unity” to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality.
The forum will witness the participation of government ministers, activists and members of civil society in a crowded program at the United Nations headquarters in New York


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