US Central Command: ISIS is trying to reshape itself again

Washington: Agencies
The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said that ISIS is trying to reshape itself again, noting that the number of its attacks in Syria and Iraq is on its way to doubling compared to the number of its operations the previous year. According to what was reported by the Youm 7 website in Cairo, from the Middle East News Agency on Wednesday.
Centcom added, in a statement reported by the American Al-Hurra channel on Wednesday, that ISIS claimed responsibility for carrying out 153 attacks in Syria and Iraq during the first 6 months of this year, compared to 121 attacks last year, after several years of decline and weakness of the organization’s capabilities to carry out attacks. Attacks.
Centcom constantly stresses that the ongoing pursuit of approximately 2,500 ISIS fighters is a crucial element in the permanent defeat of the organization, in addition to strengthening ongoing international efforts to maintain sustained pressure to address the ongoing ISIS threat.


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