Nasr Soliman.. An Egyptian is running in the Belgian elections.. The only Arab on the list of the Socialist Liberal Party in fierce competition with other parties

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
Egyptian-born Nasr Suleiman is running in the Belgian elections scheduled for October 13 after becoming the only Arab figure on the GBP party list, which means "All that is good for the city", a liberal socialist party in the city of Goecke, whose name will be changed to Beutgem in order to merge it with 3 other municipalities. The name will be changed starting from January 1, 2025. It is located in the region that includes municipalities close to Brussels that are part of the Flemish part. Nasr said in statements to the news website and electronic newspaper "Europe and the Arabs" "This is not the first time I have been nominated. I was nominated by the party in 2017. It was a positive experience and I received a good number of votes in a municipality where only a few Arab families live." Nasr enjoys great popularity in the area where he lives through his public work in civil society. Nasr is optimistic and says that the opportunity is greater to obtain 3 more seats for the party in addition to the two seats in the municipal council after the three other municipalities are included. However, the competition will not be easy due to the strength of the competing party, which is the Northern Flemish Alliance (NVA), which has the majority of seats and is joined by the Christian Democratic Party (CD&V). Nasr adds, "We have a strong electoral program that focuses on youth, sports, transportation and increasing educational grants." Regarding the list with which the party will run in the elections, Nasr says, "The party's electoral list consists of 19 candidates. I carry the number 11 and I personally am optimistic about this number because it is my birthday." Also, the eleventh month, this date is the date of the ceasefire agreement in World War II, and I got the number 11 by pure coincidence. I hope to add something new to the Independent Party GBP because in the past months the number of immigrants from Arab communities has increased and I will work to solve the problems they face and we are working together in the party on a strong program for the benefit of the voters and I wish success to all the candidates. The Belgian party to which Nasr Suleiman belongs published its program on its website, which included several points, including citizens sharing their interests and working together to build their future, in addition to smooth and safe transportation, as well as focusing on a policy to help the elderly and singles, in addition to caring for youth and culture, in addition to files related to climate, agriculture, advanced management, solidarity, animal welfare, and others. Nasr Suleiman is 50 years old, married, has two sons in their twenties, and has worked as an employee at Brussels Airport for 25 years. Last May, he was elected as a member of the Airport Union Federation for the fourth consecutive time for a period of 4 years. He has extensive experience in negotiating in union work. Nasr says, “I have made some important changes for the benefit of employees and workers at the airport for more than 20 years with positive changes. In addition to this work, I have worked as a sworn translator for the Belgian Ministry of Justice for more than 11 years, in addition to participating in volunteer work to serve the members of Arab communities, including the Egyptian community, in addition to the good relationship with the Belgian residents of the city.”


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