Brussels: Conference on Middle East peace and the two-state solution to be held next Tuesday .. Organized by the Socialist and Democratic Parties Group in the European Parliament

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
A statement issued in Brussels by the Socialist and Democratic Party Group in the European Parliament said: "It is time to renew the dialogue on peace and the two-state solution. The S&D Group has consistently advocated the path towards lasting peace in the Middle East, calling for a two-state solution that guarantees security for Israel and establishes a sovereign Palestinian state. In these difficult times, with extremism and radicalism spreading on all sides - with the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, the Israeli hostages still held by Hamas, and the risk of regional escalation - the urgent need for peace is undeniable. Now more than ever, it is time for men of good will to find a way forward and start discussing a path beyond the current conflict. This is why the S&D Group is hosting a high-level conference at the European Parliament on Tuesday, October 15, from 14:30 to 18:00. The event, led by the Chair of the Group, Iratxi García Pérez, will include an opening speech by Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Prominent speakers including Nasser al-Kidwa, former Palestinian Foreign Minister, and Musa Raz, former MK for Meretz, will participate in the first panel discussion: Diana Buttu, former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization, and Daniel Levy, head of the American Middle East Project and former Israeli negotiator
Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization. She is best known for her work as a legal advisor and for participating in peace negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian organizations
Closing remarks will be given by Yannis Maniatis, Vice President of the S&D Group
The Socialist and Democratic Party Group is the second largest political party group in the European Parliament and includes 136 members from various member states of the European bloc


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