The European position on the conflict in the Middle East has not changed.. Condemning the escalation and calling for restraint and providing assistance

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs

EU leaders expressed deep concern about the dramatic military escalation in the Middle East and the risks it poses to the entire region. To this end, they called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint, end hostilities and fully abide by international law, including international humanitarian law. This came in the final statement of the leaders’ discussions on this file and also said that the European Union is fully committed to helping to calm the situation, reduce tensions, provide needs-based assistance to the peoples of the Middle East, especially the most vulnerable, and expand the scope of its humanitarian engagement.

Iran and Israel
EU leaders also condemned in the strongest terms the Iranian attacks on Israel on 1 October and Iran’s destabilizing actions in the Middle East through terrorist and armed groups such as the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas. They stressed Israel’s right to defend itself and the EU’s commitment to Israel’s security and regional stability.

All parties must respect international humanitarian law and the dangerous cycle of attacks and retaliation must end.
Following the anniversary of the tragic attacks by Hamas on Israel on 7 October 2023, the leaders condemned these unjustified acts of deliberate violence, expressed their solidarity with the families of the victims and the hostages held by Hamas, and renewed their call for the unconditional release of all hostages.
The European Union is deeply concerned by the military escalation in Lebanon, the unacceptable number of civilian casualties, and the forced displacement resulting from the escalation of violence and the continued use of military force. It is of utmost importance that civilians and civilian infrastructure are protected, and that international law, Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are respected.
Hezbollah’s rocket attacks must stop. In this context, EU leaders called for an immediate ceasefire across the withdrawal line on the Lebanese-Israeli border (the Blue Line) and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which requires a complete cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah and stipulates that only the Lebanese Armed Forces and UN peacekeeping forces (the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - UNIFIL) may be deployed between the Israeli border and the Litani River in Lebanon.

They also:
Called on all partners to respond to the growing humanitarian crisis
Reaffirmed the EU’s support to Lebanon’s government institutions
Called on all partners in Lebanon to contribute to strengthening the Lebanese Armed Forces
Reaffirmed the EU’s continued support to affected people on the ground, including refugees, displaced persons and host communities
The EU leaders also condemned attacks against UNIFIL, stressing that such attacks are completely unacceptable and must stop immediately.
The European Council recalls that all actors are obliged to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of UN personnel and property and to respect the inviolability of UN premises at all times.
In this regard, the leaders called on all parties to fully fulfil their obligations to ensure the safety and security of UNIFIL personnel at all times and to allow UNIFIL to implement its mandate.

The European Union condemns the unacceptable number of civilian casualties in Gaza and the West Bank, especially women and children, as well as the catastrophic levels of hunger and the imminent risk of famine resulting from the insufficient entry of aid into Gaza.

In this context, the leaders reiterated their call for:
An immediate ceasefire
Urgently improve access and sustainable distribution of adequate humanitarian assistance
A permanent end to hostilities, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2735
Full implementation of the orders of the International Court of Justice
They also expressed their support for the mediation efforts of Egypt, Qatar and the United States and acknowledged the central role of Jordan in de-escalating the crisis.
Settler violence
At the European Council meeting on 27 June 2024, EU leaders strongly condemned extremist settler violence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and called for:
Safe access to the Holy Sites
Preservation of the status quo
Respect for the special status of Jerusalem and its Old City, as well as the Holy Sites and all their communities
Following that meeting, leaders strongly condemned further escalation in the West Bank following increased settler violence, the expansion of illegal settlements and the Israeli military operation. They also called on the Council to move forward with new sanctions against extremist settlers and entities and organisations supporting them.
Two-state solution
EU leaders reaffirmed the EU’s unwavering commitment to a just, comprehensive and lasting peace based on a two-state solution. They also reaffirmed the EU’s support to the Palestinian Authority to help it meet its most pressing needs and support its reform agenda.
The EU will actively support and engage with international partners to implement the two-state solution. In this regard, the leaders stressed that a credible path to Palestinian statehood is a crucial element in this process. EU leaders reaffirmed their full and steadfast support for the UN Secretary-General. They underlined the essential role of the UN and its agencies, in particular the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which provides support to the civilian population in Gaza and the wider region. They condemned any attempt to abrogate the 1967 Agreement between Israel and UNRWA or to hinder the Agency’s ability to fulfil its mandate.


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