Latest poll: Democracy and the rule of law before economic power.. the main strengths of the European Union.. and concerns about the security future

Brussels: Europe and the Arabs
A new Eurobarometer survey has shown that Europeans consider respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law (38%) and economic, industrial and commercial strength (34%) to be the main strengths of the European Union, followed by good relations and solidarity between EU member states (28%).
As areas that the EU should address as a priority, respondents most often mentioned the environment and climate change (33%) and irregular migration (33%), followed by security and defence (29%) and the war in Ukraine (25%). According to figures published in Brussels in a statement by the European Commission
At the same time, the war in Ukraine ranked first in terms of challenges facing the European Union, as it was mentioned by 50% of respondents. Irregular migration, environmental issues and climate change came in second and third place respectively, with 41% and 35%. When asked which values ​​the EU embodies best compared to other countries in the world, Europeans clearly point to respect for fundamental rights and values ​​and freedom of opinion and expression (each at 53%).

General optimism about the coming years
58% of Europeans tend to be optimistic about the future of the EU, while 37% tend to be pessimistic.
55% say they are very or somewhat confident in the strength of EU democracy in the next five years, while 41% feel somewhat or completely unconfident.
On the other hand, 64% of EU citizens tend to be concerned about the security of the EU in the next five years.
Finally, 51% express confidence in the performance of the EU economy in the next five years, while 45% are more sceptical.
The Eurobarometer 550 Flash Survey was conducted from 25 June to 2 July 2024 across the 27 Member States. 25,658 EU citizens were interviewed online.


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