UN: Alarming increase in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory and the Syrian Golan Heights

New York: Europe and the Arabs
A report issued by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, indicated a worrying increase in Israeli settlements inside the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
The Secretary-General's report - which covers the period from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 - clarified the Security Council's confirmation that the Israeli settlement policy is a major obstacle to achieving the two-state solution, and also indicated that the International Court of Justice declared that Israel must immediately cease all new settlement activities. According to the UN daily news bulletin, a copy of which we received this morning,
The report also revealed a significant increase in settler violence against Palestinians, "which often occurs with the support of Israeli security forces." He added that this escalating violence has exacerbated the human rights violations faced by Palestinians, affecting their security, freedom of movement and basic rights.
He also warned that the systematic demolitions of Palestinian homes have resulted in the displacement of many families, creating a coercive environment that forces individuals to abandon their homes. The report explained that “the current Israeli government is increasingly aligned with the settler movement, facilitating the annexation of the West Bank to Israel.”

It added that recent changes in administration have shifted oversight of settlement activities to civilian officials, strengthening Israeli control and fueling accusations of illegal annexation, which the International Court of Justice has deemed to be contrary to international law.

The report noted that the transfer of authority over the demolition of illegal structures in settlements to the Minister of Finance, who also serves as an additional minister in the Ministry of Defence, has led to a sharp decline in law enforcement actions against settlers.

Prohibited Practice
The Secretary-General stressed that the establishment and continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan constitutes the transfer of Israeli civilians into the occupied territory, a practice prohibited under international humanitarian law, as confirmed by the International Court of Justice.
He condemned the systematic demolition of Palestinian homes, noting that such actions are based on discriminatory laws and policies, leading to forced evictions that exacerbate the coercive environment and disproportionately affect women and girls.
The Secretary-General called on Israel to cease and reverse all settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. He urged Israel to cease all demolitions and forced evictions of Palestinians, and to cease activities that contribute to the creation of a coercive environment or the risk of forcible transfer.


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