Antichrist who sees you still sticks of perception


Written by Counselor Abdulaziz Makki

Every ignorant traitor is an absolute evil who longs to bury you in his closed box, claiming under the illusion that he alone holds the key and that he is the one who frees as usual and lets go of frankness, and that your hearing and obedience to him alone and his suppression will never stop you and his servants. And that it is forbidden for you to taste food other than theirs, forcing you to believe their lies over time and document their playing with evidence, then you slander and sell life for cheap and buy lettuce at the most expensive price and live humiliated, otherwise he will kill you in their way with a fatwa if you realize their truth and their intentions and investigate the truth and open the door of your mouth with the content of fairness and you were not afraid And you have sinned without their ink, and you are no longer with them a hostage, so you are now no longer their owner, but you are from now on with them a criminal apostate, a thug whose blood is permissible. Safety, justice and equality between human beings have shameful deeds, and that lying and deceit on all faces and the yellowness of the faces are evidence of the purity of the soul and the purity of conscience, and that the guardians of desolation and the cliffs of tyranny have honorable guardians. They are not illusions, and you see them as a wretched effect after an eye, they were a staring thorn and moldy skulls that were buried in them without a shroud, so they were no longer hawks or doves.


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