Mohamed Hamdy writes: Inspired by travel... The remaining distance of the trip

A small map on the plane seat screen that the traveler checks from time to time during his trip to know the remaining time until he reaches his destination and the time he has traveled since the plane took off.

Among the graphs that take you between the flight path and inform you of your current location, the nearby and distant cities and the current time in the East and West of the earth, a phrase that says very clearly: The remaining distance for the trip.

Every person's life is a journey.. It starts from the womb of takeoff to the landing of the written end.. It may be a happy and comfortable trip to the utmost degree as if it were first class on a plane where you enjoy complete privacy and five-star service, or you may be confined on your trip between three seats in which you move with difficulty and try to be nice to your travel companions in order to pass peacefully and without disturbing yourself first before others.

The annoyances of an economical trip increase over long distances because without a doubt, even if you are one of the group of people who suppress anger, you will not be able to bear sitting for long hours without moving, but if it is a short trip, the matter is somewhat easy.

But any journey, whether long or short, needs a companion who makes its difficulties and annoyances easy, and choosing a companion in itself is not an easy matter. You will be lucky to have a companion who is lighthearted and spirited, not one who makes you feel that you are asking for a lot and suffering to even think about asking.

It is true that the options for flights are limited for most travelers, but in the end it is the same journey for the wealthy who reserved a special seat and the simple person squeezed between three seats, they will all reach the same destination, just like life, lived by humans, the rich and the poor, the lucky and the unlucky, the successful and the unsuccessful, the believer and the infidel, the active and the lazy, one life in the big world.

The difference is that this life gives all of these people multiple opportunities to correct the course before it is too late, to forgive instead of hatred, to overcome the past and look forward to what remains, to choose between freedom and dignity even if it is in a painful exile, and injustice and humiliation even if it is in a homeland dearer to your heart than anything else.

It is the dilemma of choosing in the remaining distance of the journey.


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