Counselor Abdul Aziz Makki writes: Foreign devils are besieging us from every side!!

They occupy our entrails and our homes against our will, with all their power and tyranny, and sometimes in a comfortable, sneaky, hidden way. You find them everywhere around you, above ground and below ground, in the vast space, in the sea, in the machine, the grocery store, the drug store, in the tavern, the bakery, the labor, the betrayal, and sometimes from where you do not know, in some of your words due to the overwhelming influence in the first, the void in the later, and the shy, wounded influence...
In the corridors of the palace, and in stealing the unknown victory deserved by the terrible advance and retreat or by force, by force and power, and in capturing the keys to minds without right, it is an order to all evil, and we are still gathering our pieces, even by hinting shyly without stating or in secret without responding, and whoever intends to take a single step on the road, revealing and resounding, and prepares to reclaim the amount and the decision, finds no support, friend, or lover in the dry, frightened wilderness, so there is no home, no decision, and no neighbor, and everyone is in the terror of waiting on the edge of the abyss...
The United States of America is amassing weapons of terror and destruction in the Middle East, in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean The Gulf and part of the Indian Ocean,
The aircraft carriers USS Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, and the destroyer submarines USS Georgia,
and USS Ohio, and the terrifying F-35 and F-22 RoboCop aircraft, and the F-18 Super Hornet aircraft, and the electronic warfare aircraft, and the early warning aircraft, and the multi-mission missile defenses, and behind them the sheep are allies,
And their bases in the region are many, and the hours are lean with wonder, anticipation, and fear, as if there is no peace in the world .....
All of this is to insist on protecting the bloody, usurping, renegade, idolatrous Zionist entity, which is more important to them than anything else, and I swear that if it were not for them, the agitated entity with severed lineage would not have had an arm, a finger, a foot, a homeland, or an existence .....
Or is all of this in anticipation of Iran and the painful and effective vengeance from His Eminence the gentlemen in this regard, whether it was directly from the source or through proxy arms or was in a collective system or was in a narrow scope focused on Seriously about cutting off the heads of snakes in number so that they may taste the bitterness of the wormwood that they have always tasted for the men of the leaders and for the innocent defenseless of the elderly, women and children...

Or is it a disturbing, dubbed, shocking break in a terrifying scene repeated to redistribute influence in the region and double the protection fees and accelerate the pace of marketing weapons and hold the final condolences for countries and kingdoms that will not rise again after that

Or in the first and last to spread terror in the hearts of the servants in the entire region, the peoples and rulers and for everyone who dares now and after now to merely look at a fragment of the terrorist Zionist entity with an eye of hostility, so that all the bitter facts are embodied on the ground for those who do not want to be sure that they are the most bitter enemies and still doubt and doubt and lack confidence and fight their homeland with the malice of the cursed disease with one of two things: either the homeland is fragmented and disintegrated from its core and sides and is assassinated from above and below and behind it, so why does he aspire to be strong and able to protect its capabilities from any aggression.. or to go recklessly and with crazy enthusiasm to destruction.. The vanguard of the solution will descend to earth from the sky, and the weapons of nature are stronger and more powerful, ordered by the Lord of heaven and earth.


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