Counselor Abdel Aziz Mekki writes: You ignorant people... even peacekeeping forces are being targeted!!

The multinational peacekeeping force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, which is present in southern Lebanon following the end of the Zionist aggression against beloved Lebanon in 2006, to maintain security from the north of the Litani River to the Blue Border Strip on the Lebanese border, and consists of ten thousand five hundred individuals from forty-nine countries with a mandate from the Security Council according to Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter.. and whose hands were not tied in self-defense against any aggression, as the headquarters of these forces in Ras al-Naqoura was targeted by the Zionist army, the hybrid army of the ignorant, for repeated shelling, which resulted in the destruction of watchtowers, the disruption of transmission bases, the destruction of bunkers in which soldiers take shelter, and the critical injury of some soldiers, and the continued violation of the Blue Line by drones from the Lebanese border for the purpose of spying.... Which prompted the Italian Foreign Minister to strongly object to this and summon the Israeli ambassador and reprimand him for the presence of an Italian battalion there within the peacekeeping forces, and Jean-Pierre, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Peacekeeping, stated that the peacekeeping forces in Lebanon are exposed to increasing danger and denounced the increasing violation of all laws by the Zionist army International and humanitarian norms...
And the same argument is invalid, as are all the arguments of the terrorist Zionist entity, which are refuted.. It is not possible to claim in this case that the peacekeeping forces are human shields behind which the resistance fighters take shelter, as they always claim with their cursed logic when bombing and killing innocent people everywhere, that there are fighters among them, and that the mosques, churches, hospitals, and relief organizations are command centers, and that the paramedics, firefighters, and media correspondents are saboteurs.. And they have not proven even once the truth of what they claim, and what is important is the shedding of blood with or without reason, and the hostility of everyone, and this without any accountability from anyone, except for the continuous flow of equipment and money to them!! The important thing is that when the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, says a word of truth in a mere statement that is nothing more than an acknowledgment of the fait accompli, he is an outcast and unwanted by them, and they are hostile to him and love them without him. Mr. Karim Khan, the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court, when he examines the conclusive evidence to reveal the truth, they persecute him and his family and threaten to kill him, as do the honorable judges of the International Court of Justice, as well as the heads of state and government. Whoever among them thinks of saying the truth, even with all shame, they are hostile to him and threaten him with woe, destruction and grave matters. Thus, the picture remains unchanged. Whoever does not realize and believe that the Zionists are nothing but rabid dogs who have no loved ones, no friends, no covenant or loyalty, and continues to give them all the time, then even thinks of preventing or hesitating to delay giving, turns, in the blink of an eye and its awareness, into their bitterest enemies, without any mention of previous giving, without any distinction between one faction and another, for they are all the same: governments come and go, and the people are likewise from them, and he is the one who helps them and incites them to do more, and whoever criticizes them, if… It is nothing but an exchange of roles that are missed with conditions and electoral cards that soon return to the same orbit...
Whoever vows to resist until salvation should not hesitate to take out everything he has in his quiver, even to contact everything they have. Their facilities are not more established than your facilities, nor are their children more precious than your children, nor are their women more valuable than your women, nor are their elders more respected than your elders, and treachery is much more abundant among them, and your faith in the justice of your cause is a strong and abundant fortress, so do not wait for orders from any party, whether it agrees or disagrees or is stubborn or conspires against you,
nor from the reprimand of the violators from the bases, for if you succeed in hurting them time after time and the fire falls inside and in front of them and they are about to request a cessation of the fighting, then the people of treachery and vice from the beginning until their destruction are vile who do not know the path to virtue and those with them are equal, so it is the same for you, God willing, or against you, God forbid...
So what is the point of life in humiliation and withdrawal, the life of the graves under the command of those who do not see you as such, equal human beings, and thus the course of events has decided


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