Counselor Abdul Aziz Makki writes: The specter of your hopes... in your confusion and travel... so how are you?

What if your first destination was clear, joyful and comfortable towards the Holy Kaaba, and your intention has long been known by the longing that has inhabited all your limbs, and the eagerness that weeps in a whisper, and the heart commands without a tongue, and the conscience is full and does not swell with complaint, and the supplications are continuous, and the broad wish with the fingers of a victorious person for Hajj or Umrah is above all wishes, as is the habit of every pure-natured person from every ravine since the boy grew up on the collar and grew up striving earnestly for the same goal, for what will make you happy in this world and for a good outcome in the hereafter, so do not care if your friend turns away or if the close company or even the whole group turns away if they blame, in terms of every worldly pleasure of money, children and a companion, and earnestness does not compensate you for hours in the Sacred Mosque in a few days, nor in the Prophet’s Mosque, so complete the pillars and rituals without obscenity, nor immorality, nor useless argument, for whoever strives will find Trust with all confidence that the treasures of the Most Gracious are inexhaustible and the gift is generous, abundant, and saving, and the lifeline is prepared before and after, so beware of corruption and hasten the camels’ market to the best of places with whoever is destined to be with you, and do not gossip and quarrel in the market, and do not indulge in spending the worst, and do not waste time, example, and light, and be provided with the preferred and answered supplication of the Prophet, the friend of God, and marry a short-tempered girl from the beautiful houris, and leave the will after peace be upon you from your Lord and greetings and harmony to the people of the house, the kings, the owners of happiness, favor, and spaciousness, and all are trustworthy from you and for you wherever you are in the Kingdom of Peace, the Qiblah of the worlds.. that you take your precautions against the mean people of injustice, darkness, hostility, woe, perdition, and destruction, and protect your sanctities and your money here and there, and unity, the flag, the banner, and the wide borders, be strong, and fortify yourselves against every temptation and slander from injustice And cooperate in righteousness and reject the agents and preserve the loyal and faithful in all parts of the earth and the leadership will return to you. And if you forget, O Mujaddid, do not forget Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first of the two Qiblahs and the third of the two Holy Sanctuaries, so hurry to it, and know that the situation there is very shocking, painful, grievous, and unsafe, so beware of the barbed wire and the spies of suspicion and the ambushes at every door and the rabid, terrified dogs, the foundlings of fornication, armed with equipment and weapons, and the embers and alcohol and unveiling in the holy square, and every day a hundred heinous, apostate crimes and pure blood is shed without guilt and the forbidden things are violated without permission, and prayer by order must have permission from the invading, occupying criminals and according to age, unfortunately, and zakat with permission, and the bombing does not stop at a book that teaches the principles of reading and arithmetic under the pretext that it is a military barracks and the clinic for the sick is a second military barrack that is bombed and the bread oven is a third military barrack, and a gang The damned deaf world rules from the toilet with a blindfold, you can neither hear nor see, only the superior armies are mobilized on land, sea and air close by to secure the damned Zionists in anticipation of responding to the aggression and self-defense or any response if it happens, and the road is blocked and passage is forbidden and the father was killed and so was the mother, she was not rescued, so killing is permissible at every second and oppression is available all the time and the affliction is severe, oh and the ranks have not yet come together, and if the lion lion survives, he has not yet grown wise, and the tired woman's soul is in labor, if she survives, she has not yet given birth and breathed .....
Go back, Mujaddid, you are still far away, you have not yet seen Al-Aqsa Mosque, go back, for God is the command before and after


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