Counselor Abdul Aziz Makki writes: Complete the great losses and do not rely on the dead consciences

What is the point of life in humiliation and the night of Khos without a crescent, dark, painful, intense, long, long, and injustice that has exceeded the limit and falsehoods with a soft disease that tears the bone with the vile plaster from the flesh and the spies of the birds with evil in all the land, wreaking havoc and breaching the wall and exposing what is hidden to corrupt and kill the halal and the guest and burn the green and the dry and what will be new..... and there is no escape in the bow of patience. So resist with all firmness and find from the limit to the limit in Gaza and in the West Bank, and at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with any available weapon, even with a bow and arrow, and make spears even from palm fronds, even from gravel and rocks to cut gunpowder that puts out the eyes of the Andals, and from camel hides arrows and from bones daggers, and take fortresses from olive and lote trees, and purify yourself with incense of aloes and amber, and spare no effort and unite the ranks and the past is compensation for what the Forgiver has missed. Do not grieve, and do not bargain or negotiate with poisonous rodents The sniffles, and do not seek help from anyone from the coalition or from the dissenters or from those who are sluggish to the ground willingly or by force, and do not listen to the deterrents, and do not testify with the people of falsehood, the living losers in the graves, their remains in the graves .....
And if you are testified while you are providing, or while crossing behind the lines, or you hide from view to harvest the prominent heads of the nation by number, then that is dignity, honor and victory
The unjust, inferior world does not know you except to the extent that it tells about you in reverse, the criminal, dirty Zionist usurper of what is not rightfully his with argument and evidence, it will not return to you what you have lost of rights .. It will not do you justice at all, God willing, except with verbal expressions that are losing with gloomy faces, and the free peoples in all parts of the earth know you and know that you are the owner of the original right from all aspects and that the whole situation with you is reversed and fabricated, and so are all the situations of the vile thieves in most of the world, the dead of conscience in the bars with a known identity or without or with races and lineages Scattered, discordant, unknown, and one day, there is no doubt, the circle will turn on them with the bones of problems, disintegration, conspiracy, debauchery, erosion, and lightning....
And there the losers will lose.


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