Counselor Abdul Aziz Makki writes: (King Hussein Bridge) to where?

The incident at the Allenby Crossing, as the Zionist entity calls it, the Karameh Crossing, as the Palestinian name suggests, or the King Hussein Bridge, in the goods transport section of the crossing, which is transported from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the West Bank via the aforementioned crossing, which is subject to Israeli control and inspections, was nothing but a natural, self-inflicted event that was expected to happen, and will happen again at a different time, place, and manner in the occupied country, due to the distress of the chests, eyes, and ears, and the reaction to the horrific crimes that exceeded all description against the people of proud Palestine, by the actions of the devilish entity... without incitement from anyone or coordination with anyone. The Karameh Crossing, which is located approximately halfway between Jerusalem and the Jordanian capital, Amman, north of the Dead Sea, where a Jordanian truck driver loaded with goods coming from Jordan to the West Bank, named "Maher Diab Hussein Al-Jazi" from Adhruh, east of Petra, south of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, shot three Israeli employees at the crossing while they were inspecting his truck, killing them, and then he was killed by The Israeli police fired more than twenty bullets, according to what is being published. After that, the crossing was closed, as well as the Sheikh Hussein crossing, as well as the Wadi Araba crossing, and buses transporting Palestinians to Jordan were banned, and a suffocating siege was imposed on the West Bank, with nothing left except the continued killing of dozens, the arrests of hundreds, the burning, bulldozing and destruction in Jenin, Tubas and Tulkarm in the northern West Bank, and the cutting off of water, electricity, treatment and medicine, and the closure of all outlets of life....
In the first comment by the head of the government of the terrorist Zionist entity, he criticizes in the strongest terms those who glorify killing and specifically mentions Iran, as if, by the concept of dissent, he and the criminal killers with him are messengers of peace, love and kindness among people!! The perpetrator of the act commits acts that would make children's hair turn gray, if they remained alive, with crimes that befall humans, stones and trees without guilt, and he forbids the like of it and lies and lies and lies until his blatant lie is believed and he continues in his deranged rampage for his own account in every direction, imposing enmity and hatred for everyone with his arrogance without a solution.. Even if the ghosts of annihilation loom over most of the people inside there, if they realized before it is too late without hesitation that he is their killer and that they are his victims, and whoever persists in supporting him and is strict, let him receive his threat and evils. I do not want to add more.. so that you can follow and watch and hear according to the usual.. the numerous and numerous numbers of members from everywhere from the supporters of the entity of expressions of condemnation, rejection, denunciation, disapproval, denunciation, condolences, sharing of sorrows, burning conscience and depression, and the responses from the group of peers in the international gang and offering them absolutely free assistance A palace that has never and will never stop, a thousand thousand times more than their reaction to what happened to a hundred thousand Palestinians and more between the dead, wounded and missing, throwing dust in the eyes and fabricating from behind their ungrateful, forgetful hearts that have lost the legitimacy of human life..... May God not show you more distress or anxiety than that, so that you regret and are besieged more, there is no prevention.. So see your endeavor together


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