Counselor Abdul Aziz Makki writes: All sanctions are for Iran.. and the disobedient are now safe

Just now, more than fourteen sanctions have been imposed on institutional entities and individuals in Iran by the auspicious European Union on the pretext of exporting some weapons to Russia, to be side by side with hundreds of American sanctions on Iran if their claim is true, and thousands of sanctions on Russia, freezing of assets, and encroachment on trusts by the corruptors on earth.

Let the traitorous war criminal devote himself to killing the safe and destroying
trees and stones while he is safe on land, sea, and air, and receives money and weapons from every direction.....

Although I am not in a position to defend the positions of some, and everyone sees and hears every day a thousand signs and signs of horrific acts despite the reasons, and if I side, I do not side with my pain, pen, and anguish except for the right that has been lost and for justice that has been turned upside down and for my Arabism and my homeland that lies under the fangs of ferocious beasts and thinks it is protection.....

I am not being stubborn, I am just pointing out the amount of hatred that the West holds for us in all paths, ages, and economies Wars, colonization of the earth, looting and plundering of what is above and below the ground, lies, deception, brainwashing, changing minds, exporting despair and epidemics, buying consciences, bribing medals, and selling regimes cheaply. If that were not the case, how could the United States of America have sold weapons worth more than eight hundred and ninety billion dollars in less than a year? What if the world lived in peace and harmony without any need for weapons? The meaning and significance, and more, is that the world remains in complete hostility to the weak and comprehensive hostility to the strong until these economies become lions and dominate the world by the law of the jungle. What if we want to unite and integrate without aggression against anyone or fanaticism, and our strength increases after weakness and our prestige increases with equipment and supplies, even with a long-term plan, determination and minds. Whoever starts working seriously will reach and prevail


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