You are free
- Europe and Arabs
- Friday , 26 August 2022 17:6 PM GMT
“You are free” is a sentence that apparently means that a person is free in his choices and decisions, but it may be used for threats and intimidation when an official or an influential person directs his words with an all-evil look to a person in front of him who thinks that he will disagree with his opinion and go out of his way and often follows it with an explicit threat: See what will happen to you if you work What you want! This threat and other various restrictions prompted, and still do, a lot to emigrate to countries that value the true value of human freedom. But is freedom the end for the immigrant or the expatriate? When the new society opens to you the window of freedom that is lost in your country of origin, it did not give you a blank check to do what you want, and to live on it and on aid, but rather wanted you to appreciate the value of freedom and translate it into becoming an active person in society, participating in its decisions You choose its leaders, you contribute to the management of the residential neighborhood in which you live, you volunteer in the school where your children attend, you declare your income transparently because taxes will return to you a public benefit.. The strange thing is that some of the immigrants whom God has blessed them with the blessing of freedom carry with them the same restrictions and problems that tied them up in their countries, they live in isolated communities that are like settlements, they try in various ways to bring up children on the principle of turning the power over her mouth so that the girl looks to her mother. Here begins a violent struggle between the generation of parents and the generation of children, the second and third generation of the family may pay a heavy price to determine its identity, is it American, European, Middle Eastern or Asian? Does he live in the same customs and traditions of the country in which he was born and raised, or does he live in the robes of his father and the customs of the country from which the family emigrated? At the ceremony of granting American citizenship to new immigrants, public figures or officials from the Immigration Department receive words that are not limited to congratulations, but also stress that America does not want the immigrant to erase and abandon his past, but rather he can adhere to his customs, traditions and beliefs without forming an obstacle to his harmony with society. It is a new window that has opened in front of you and your family and does not require you to demolish the foundation of the house that you built brick by brick. In the end, you are free...
Mohamed Hamdy - journalist
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