Counselor Abdulaziz Makki writes...The Lord gives...and the heart loves

There were no covenants that were made or covenants that were enacted..
They are nothing but generous wishes that had a wounded sparkle that came with good thoughts and went away...and a connection with goodness that did not disappear...and ambition and determination that heals old wounds, and some permissible emotion that makes one jealous without submission, or ugliness, or gossiping, and the distress of freezing conditions and rebellion in the face of short advice, deaf and dumb. In contemplation, it was unusual... and according to custom, the cunning of Nimir was hidden in the caress of priests, the spirituality of a priest, the gentle recitation of an imam... and the scattered nectar of gratitude, the fluency of the tongue, the precision of language, the beauty of expression, and humanity befitting... and the selfishness of a virgin to the extent of a state of inaction and shortcomings... and a reception and farewell, as is the custom of kings in Palaces.. and in the market unnecessarily talk.. reproach and pain to do whatever you want, no one sees you.. and the worst of the places is the markets and thought is freely available.. and the decision is a fight.. and longings are palms from behind a veil that cannot be clearly felt if you hear the sounds of moaning from between the shackles.. Without an explanation of the curricula, it expands..
If the causes outweigh the results... or the results remain debts to be paid without delay... then stand up and pay, willingly or under duress... if you are imprisoned... or at large... or you are a saint who disobeyed his Lord and then purified himself... or you were an inspired poet whose heart was hardened, so you rebuke. ..
Or a heretic who repented..
How many swords on people's necks continued to suffer without being killed
And how many bright birds have become in the eyes, despite the darkness, flying to the summit full of hopes, loving meanings and values.
Thankful for the blessings, praying for those who ruled justly and departed.
And justice remained with assistance, progress and support...
Wishes are white doves, like breezes of light, yearning happily, and hearts are palaces filled with loyalty, not hardship.
If I won't live here, forgiveness prevails...
Whoever wants to regret it, let him regret it and moan as he wants...
But too much regret is of no use...
Whoever is prescribed fasting, let him fast, and the fasting person will benefit...
Until the sleeper wakes up from his slumber and rises with certainty that there is neither an oppressor nor an oppressed person here...and the Lord is All-Knowing, and to Him is the matter...
As life passes, everyone is free to make their wishes.
The paths have their own paths..
And for the hearts that live in it...


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