General Gouraud will not return to the Levant.. Egypt and Syria are one hand: by the writer Mustafa Kamal Al-Amir

Here we are back, Saladin, an expressive sentence said by General Henri Gouraud when he arrived in Damascus, the capital of the Levant, in 1920 (the beginning of the occupation of Syria by France) after standing at the grave of Al-Nasir Saladin Al-Ayyubi, shouting hysterically, Here we are back, Saladin, who is the same as Yusuf Ibn Ayoub, the hero of the Battle of Hattin in 1178 and the victory over the Crusaders and the conquest of Jerusalem, who was betrayed by the governor of Acre. For those who do not know, Gouraud is the French general who, when he entered the Levant, announced the beginning of French colonialism over it (from 1920 to 1946) after the Battle of Maysalun and the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the British and French foreign ministers at the time in Britain and France to divide the Arab homeland on the ruins of the Turks and the sick Ottoman state in preparation for the establishment of Zionist Israel last century. Despite the absence of any direct relationship between Gouraud and Saladin, and the time difference between them of hundreds of years, the deep-seated and racist hatred among Westerners, regardless of their faces and nationalities, remains a fixed belief for them. As one of them said, “The West is West and the East is East, and the twain will never meet, like The Sun and the Moon

Just as there are dormant cells of terrorism in the East, there are also dormant cells of racism in the colonial West and American hegemony
Away from alliances, axes, international legitimacy, the Western Security Council, the dead entity of the Arab League, and the Maghreb Union, which was also born dead due to the chronic conflict between Morocco and Algeria over the Sahara! The Gulf Cooperation Council, which faces enormous challenges that threaten its existence and the future of its continued existence as a unifying force for the Gulf states due to the Emirate of Qatar and its suspicious role in supporting terrorism, which led to the severing of relations with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the Emirates, Egypt, Yemen, Mauritania, Jordan, Morocco and the Maldives
Before its return again at the Saudi Al-Mualla Summit 2022
MENA is an abbreviation for the initials in Latin for the Middle East and North Africa MENA
King Mena was also the first to unite the two countries, the tribal and maritime, in Egypt after they fought for various reasons for many years until King Mena united them and Egypt became a strong unified state and is still the quiver of God over thousands of years. It has witnessed many invaders and civilizations, Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Coptic and then Islamic, considering Egypt a crossroads of civilizations and the heart of the ancient world politically, culturally and socially before the circle of time turned and Uncle Sam led the new world
Personally, I am not a supporter or supporter of the ruling families, whether in the totalitarian Jamaluki system (the hereditary republic) or the tribal Tribal so that I do not classify or accuse myself of defending anyone, but after the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, the Zionists, Henri David Levy, or the new Gouraud will never enter Damascus except over my dead body and the dead bodies of all free and honorable Arabs, in return for an old debt owed to the Egyptians to the hero Suleiman al-Halabi, the killer of the French commander Kleber, marking the end of the French invasion of Egypt before the French executed Suleiman al-Halabi in Khadhouq. Or recently like the Syrian guerrilla officer Jules Jamal when he carried out a guerrilla operation by blowing up a French warship participating in the Suez War during the tripartite aggression of 1956 (France, Israel, and Britain). Rather, he sacrificed himself and lay down in the hope of resurrection. After the East became Americanized and the West became Frenchized in the project of alienating the Arabs in their homelands with Gulf money and entertainment and consumer satellite channels, and distorting and obliterating the Arab identity in the project of Americanization and Frenchization that has continued relentlessly since the first independence from Western colonialism of the Arab countries, who lost their way after losing their dream of Arab unity in the days of Leader Gamal Abdel Nasser and until the restoration of this Arab dream so that they unite under the leadership of Mina east and west north and south

Perhaps we have to wait a little because that will not happen today or tomorrow but it is certainly coming, God willing, despite all these seditions, intrigues, horrors and atrocities committed by the Zionists of Israel and its allies America and Britain

Because unity is the only appropriate choice to fulfill the blood of our martyrs and to be able to remove this cursed cancer from our body and heal from it after more than seventy lean, dark years in which the termite eats away at us and plays with us by dividing us and spreading ignorance, poverty and disease and sometimes we conspired against ourselves and sold a just cause and betrayed the trust at the hands of the Arabs and Arabists and by sabotaging and self-destructing the homelands after the loss of the citizen inside and outside. Perhaps I would have stood on your grave, Guru, in the land of Gaul, France, repeating your same phrase, “We have returned, Guru.”

Because the turning point that had it been accomplished, your dirty feet would not have set foot on the land of our country was when the leader of the Turks, Muhammad al-Fatih, and the Beni The Ottomans of Istanbul and their penetration into southeastern Europe to the outskirts of Austria
Then the Muslims lost the Battle of Tours, Poitiers, in western France, which if the soldiers of the army of Abdul Rahman Al-Khafiqi, the leader of Andalusia, had succeeded in winning and reaching Paris, the Turkish and Arab armies would have met on a matter that was destined and all of Europe would have become a land and sky filled with the minarets of Islam now
And we would not have become guests and we would have been the owners of the house now and we would not have been afflicted by the American Empire and the Israeli dwarf on it and the face of the world and history would have changed completely
The Ottoman Turks woke up after more than fifty years in which they kept knocking on the doors of Europe closed to Muslim Turkey to become the largest Christian club in history and perhaps this will be fortunate for the Turks to turn their faces to the East to which they belong geographically, historically and ethnically far from the dreams and illusions of Sultan Recep Erdogan about the return of the Ottoman Caliphate
And awaiting the awakening of the Arabs and the revolution of salvation from the sons of Ismail, son of Abraham, the friend of God, the father of the prophets, the friend of God
As the Arabs boycotted Qatar seven Years since 2015 because of its support for terrorism, they must take the same decisive measures against Israel, the agent of colonialism and the poisoned dagger in the body of the Arabs for a hundred years.


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