The last day in the European elections .. expectations indicate gains for the hard -line right .. and civil society is making efforts until the last moments to motivate citizens to vote

Brussels: Europe and Arabs
Today, Sunday, in the rest of the European Union member states, the voting process will continue on the last day of the European elections that started Thursday from the Netherlands, which witnessed the registration of the hard -line right, a clear rise in the number of seats that can be obtained in the European Parliament. And what is in Italy, in which the far -right "Italy Brothers" party, led by Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, seeks to devote his presence among the corridors of European decision -makers in Brussels.
350 million voters in the 27 European Union member countries are entitled to participate in the elections to choose 720 members of the European parlia, amid expectations of the achievement of extremist right -wing parties of change.
In Slovakia, the attempt to assassinate Prime Minister Robert Fitso over 15 - May over the elections, where analysts say the attack may enhance the chances of his left -wing party "Samir S -Di" by voting.
The last hours that preceded the voting process on the third and last day defined a remarkable activity on the part of civil society and propaganda campaigns for various parties, and young volunteers, civil society groups joined the whole of Europe, and specialized companies to the "Useyourvote" campaign, use your voice "for European elections from 6 to 9 June.
Promising figures from various sectors of business and non -profit societies in Europe joined the campaign to raise awareness about the importance of the elections, and to encourage citizens throughout the Federation to vote.
More than 500 European organizations and many other organizations at the national level promoted #useyourvote campaign through their networks, or through their own campaigns or their social media channels. "I count, I vote," includes a video of LinkedIn and visual assets to encourage voting. The European Association for Local Democracy (Alda) launched its campaign under the title "The Story - Take the initiative in the European Union elections", to encourage electoral participation.
The European Council for Refugees and Environmentalists launched the #Euisu + Vote EP 24 campaign, which includes a motivational song and videos for citizens who encourage people to vote. The "Eurfote Eurfuture" project of the International Democracy Organization in ten countries is an attempt to raise awareness about the European Parliament elections through events, media publications, "I vote" posters, and videos on how to vote that target voters for the first time. "Inclusion Europe" has launched a campaign for voting rights for persons with mental disabilities, and the participation of Instagram content to encourage participation.
In the context of the European Parliament, TOGETHER.EU community, a variety of activities related to elections were organized by young volunteers throughout the European Union, such as dance pools, tree planting, spring cleaning, bars competitions, seminars, lectures, music festivals and another type From events.
In Germany, the basketball championship was organized for more than 100 participants. In Spain, youth activist Paul Villaddey created the Palumba application, a mobile phone application for the whole of Europe to help people know the party or the candidate they will vote for. In Portugal, community activists organized surfing activities for persons with disabilities and creative partnerships with local sports clubs. In Ireland, Daniel Long, a young farmer, joined other volunteers to manage a number of electoral activities in rural areas in Ireland and in universities.
European success stories, such as Spotify, and the Swedish Food Manufacturer Oatly, encourages its customers to vote and inform them of elections on their platforms. As part of its #AlHandsfordmocrate campaign, the Universal Music Group Group gives the concert pioneers a seal related to elections on their hands to remind them of the vote.
898 cinemas in all parts of the Union pledged to present the video of the European Union campaign #useyourvote before the shows, and fine festivals in France, Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands are encouraged the pioneers of festivals and the film industry professionals to use their voices by displaying signs and electronic advertisements. Posters, sending news messages, and publishing on their social media channels.


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